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New to Motherhood.

Having a baby is a joyous, emotional and incredible experience, yet it can also be overwhelming. You can miss your old life and the things you used to do, relationships change and the support you thought would be there sometimes doesn’t turn out as expected. You can feel lost, lonely and even bored with the tasks involved with caring for a small child, and yes, many women do. You can feel guilty and like a bad mother when you want and need, yet believe you have no time to do anything for yourself. You think it appears as if you don’t want to spend time with your baby or that you are palming them off on someone so that you can have a break – these are all common occurrences. As time goes on some mothers desperately want to use their brain, are thinking about the return to work but feel a battle with guilt about spending time away from their baby. I regularly hear all of these accounts; I understand how it feels and the effect these challenges have on your well-being.  

My New Mother coaching programme gives you the space to talk through how you feel, make sense of your feelings, find strategies and new ways of thinking, and plan for upcoming changes. You will be listened to and never judged, we’ll explore the challenges you face and find ways to manage relationships and situations. We’ll identify how you can look after your own well-being and how you can be supported to do this. When faced with decisions about returning to work, the sessions can help you make the right choices for you, your child and family. Discussing how to approach your employer and how you intend to structure your return will help ensure you are happy about the process and have a smoother transition back to work.

The Coaching sessions

Four 1-hour sessions at key points in your new mother journey are tailored to your needs and desired outcomes. However, suggested timeframes linked to associated challenges mothers experience and the common topics discussed are detailed below:


01. Once the fuss dies down

- 6/8 weeks after the birth.

Once the first few weeks have settled down and you’re in the early stages of being a new mum there are often things you want to discuss.

·      How I feel, how I’m coping

·     Exploring my key relationships

·     Who provides me with support?

·     How I feel about my identity

·     Exploring current challenges


02. What I need now

- Around 12 weeks after the birth.

Use this session to discuss how things have progressed and how you feel about the months ahead. Topics that may be covered:

·     Finding time for me

·     How I feel about my new life

·     What I want from the coming months

03. Looking ahead

– Around 6 months after the birth.

There may be new and varied challenges to make sense of; what type of mum I want to be, thinking of childcare choices, whether I want to return to work, how to use my keeping in touch days, should I do a phased return? Topics that may be covered:

·     What type of mum I want to be

·     Return to work thoughts

·     Planning how to communicate with work


04. It’s nearly a year

– Around 6, 9 or up to 12 months after the birth.

Unsure about how to leave your baby in childcare and return to work? Want to work out what the best structure looks like for you with work and family life to come? Use this session to gain clarity on these issues or any other challenges in the final six months of your baby’s first year. Topics that may be covered:

·     Coping with leaving my baby in childcare for the first time

·     Proposing work plans to my employer

·     Overcoming any anxieties about returning to work

If you are several months into your first year with your baby, don’t worry the sessions will be tailored to what you need and when you want them over the rest of the year.

Your first year.

It is a privilege for me to join women on this early part of their motherhood journey and I look forward to supporting you through yours.

Purchase as a gift.

This coaching programme can be purchased as a gift. If you know of someone who would value time dedicated to them then gift them some coaching.


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a new mother


“Definitely felt a lot better afterwards, just being able to ‘air’ concerns that were previously too embarrassing or shameful to discuss was extremely helpful. I definitely came away feeling lighter and I haven’t felt as anxious as I did before the session.”

— Beth, Assistant Medical Administrator