
What support are you providing to your employees?

Motherhood coaching can support your employees and retain your talent.

Ascending Motherhood specialises in supporting women through the motherhood journey. A multitude of transitions exist for women as they go through motherhood and coaching provides a confidential place to air concerns, and find ways forward. This means employers retain their talent, reduce the likeliness of staff burn out and avoid re-recruitment costs.

What’s the impact on an organisation?

An increasing number of women are leaving the workforce after having had children and many look for work in a different organisation or company when they return. This can be due to childcare cost and lack of flexible working but mental ill-health also contributes to departure from work.

Women often want to come back to work showing their skills and capabilities much as they felt before they went on maternity leave, however, upon return women feel their skills and confidence has dampened. These women are highly educated, driven and competent employees. Employers have often invested in their careers over a number of years and loosing these employees is a financial hit to a company or organisation.

Many women are leaving having children into their 30s (ONS data). Therefore to lose women who have progressed in their careers for 10 years or more means highly-qualified women with extensive knowledge, experience and training are lost form the workforce.

The above suggests there is a clear need for support with women coming back into the workforce to adequately prepare for and manage the demands of motherhood.

Put simply if a mother returns to work and is unclear about her skills, role, how she fit back into the team, is lacking in confidence and generally unhappy there is a high chance she will leave within the first few years of being back. Companies cannot afford to lose staff when they return to work.

Ascending Motherhood services

Individual employee coaching

Individual coaching programmes are very popular with companies to ensure they are providing personalised support to mothers returning to work. Coaching supports the mother’s well-being, equips them with the strategies, and confidence to be a happier, fulfilled and productive member of staff.


Identify a member of staff who is about to return or has returned to work and offer them the individual support they need to feel confident and happy back at work.

Bespoke maternity coaching programmes

Ascending Motherhood can work with your organisation to build a bespoke coaching programme tailored to the needs for your workforce. This will consider the challenges of the work roles, the experiences of staff and the structure and timeframes which are unique to your organisation. This carefully crafted programme becomes a unique part of your employee well-being offer.


Create a bespoke programme with 4 sessions split across the maternity journey at time points that are critical to the nature of the your business: pre-maternity, during maternity, early return phase and four months after return.

Training for managers

Few managers have ever received training on how best to support someone returning from maternity. Ascending Motherhood can train managers to ensure they ask the right questions, in the right way and help manage some of the challenges experienced by many returning to work. Equipping managers with these skills will support the transition back to the workplace.


A two hour workshop to: a) raise awareness amongst managers of the emotions and experiences of returning mothers and equip them with coaching skills and a toolbox of questions to properly support mothers, and b) identify the challenges and create plans for future support.

How can support give a competitive advantage ?

Increasingly, prospective employees are looking at the well-being offer in an organisation before accepting a job offer. Providing holistic and individualised support for the different stages of a women’s life can be what makes your company or organisation stand out, and appealing to work for.

Providing high quality support can enhance well-being and the psychological evidence is clear; good employee well-being makes for more productive and engaged members of staff.

Employing a diverse workforce brings varied opinion and thinking to develop ideas and help progress a company or organisation. Mothers themselves are excellent at prioritising, finding new solutions and flexing to different ways of working. These skills are vital to the success and longevity of a business and can be a true asset to a company.

Food for thought for employers, the cost of re-recruiting spans…

A skills and experience deficit in a team and a less diverse workforce.

The time of those involved in the recruitment process

The workload distribution to the team in the interim between the staff member leaving and a new staff member joining

Training costs for a new member of staff.

The fees paid to recruitment agencies

Next steps and information for companies, HR and People Managers

Get in contact to discuss the corporate services you are interested in and I can provide you with the Employer Ascending Motherhood Back-to-Work Mother brochure.

View the Returned to Work Info for Mothers and share with women who have already returned and who you think may be interested in receiving coaching.

View the General Coaching Summary Overview Leaflet for brief details on all four coaching programmes.

Book a call!

Book a call to discuss the needs of your organisation and create the well-needed support for your employees.

Alternatively, email me at arabella@ascendingmotherhood.com to start the conversation and outline what you want to achieve.

Employer Testimony:

“As there were a number of new mums, either expectant or recently returned from maternity leave, within the organisation, I offered the opportunity for them to undertake coaching through Ascending Motherhood in order to support them in their changing family and job roles.

The coaching was clearly impactful, providing invaluable, independent support which was practical and appreciated. It offers exceptional value for money and means women will have appropriate and meaningful guidance which will help them thrive rather than just survive and re-discover themselves and who they are.

I have no hesitation in recommending Arabella and her programmes; in fact, I already have!”

Emma Sutherland,

Head of People.

Employer Testimony:

“Working with Ascending Motherhood has been really valuable in supporting our staff to navigate the unique challenges of balancing motherhood with their professional role. The impact of Arabella’s coaching sessions has been clear to see - helping to provide alternate perspectives, renew clarity and create a stronger sense of purpose. I would highly recommend Ascending Motherhood to any employer seeking to support new mothers with a smoother and empowering transition back to work.”

Matt Nicholson,

Club & Coach Development Manager.