
How are you retaining your female talent after maternity leave?

You will avoid:

  • Recruitment costs, training costs and workload strain of loosing a member of staff

  • A loss of skills, knowledge, and experience from a team and a less diverse workforce

Back To Work Coaching can support your employees and retain your talent.

Your staff will return:

  • Confident and enthusiastic about work, not stressed or anxious

  • Able to deploy their new-found strengths

  • Equipped with strategies to manage competing life demands

  • Fully engaged with their work and colleagues

  • Clear and confident about their work and contribution to the team

What’s the risk to business? What’s the gain to business?

Having spent over a decade in elite sport and the latter eight years with the Great Britain Cycling Team - one of the world’s highest ever medal grossing teams, Arabella knows the value that high-performing people bring to success. Supporting individuals to deliver their skill, knowledge and expertise at their best is what builds the foundations to exceptional sustained performance, world-class teamwork, and collective resilience.  

The women Arabella works with are educated, driven and highly talented employees with an abundance of skills that are an asset to business. Losing these individuals poses a significant risk to businesses in terms of talent drain and financial cost.

Data shows an increasing number of women are leaving the workforce after having children and many look elsewhere in the first two years of returning. Childcare costs and lack of flexible working are contributory factors, but discontent and mental ill-health also play a role in ‘silent quitting’.

Women want to return and demonstrate their skills and capabilities however, time away can dampen confidence prompting feelings of anxiety. Coaching builds the strategies needed to perform optimally whilst managing the competing demands of work and home – reducing overwhelm and anxiety. As a result, individuals are fully engaged with work and able to focus, think creatively and flourish in the workplace.  

Consider the cost of re-recruiting…

Loss of skilled and experienced talent and company knowledge

Workload strain between leaving and starting

Reduced workforce diversity

New starter training costs

Recruitment agency fees

HR time spent on recruitment

Ascending Motherhood corporate services

Employee coaching

Coaching provides mothers with a confidential space to make sense of their emotions, reassess expectations, manage competing demands, and set boundaries. Mothers rebuild their confidence through identifying newfound strengths, and skills and are supported in navigating this identity change.

ILM level 7 executive coach Arabella provides exceptional and insightful questioning from years of experience working with high achievers from athletes to leaders in elite sport, now empowering mothers to flourish in this transition. Her unique background as an academic and practitioner ensures her coaching is evidence-informed in combination with honed skills to provide perspective and support with compassion.


Four one-hour online sessions providing tailored support for returning mothers and those recently back at work.

Training for managers

Managers can benefit from understanding the experiences of mothers and knowing how best to support them through this transition back to work.

Managers come away equipped with:

  • knowledge about the returning experience

  • skills of effective listening and questioning

  • able to identify the challenges they face

  • and solutions to overcome the difficulties they experience with supporting mothers returning

Arabella has a longstanding background in knowledge dissemination and session facilitation developing the understanding and skills of others. Her ability to hear what others don’t and tease out meaningful detail allows attendees to achieve growth and development in sessions.


A two-hour workshop to:

  • raise awareness amongst managers of the emotions and experiences of returning mothers

  • equip managers with coaching skills and a toolbox of questions to properly support mothers

  • develop a bespoke understanding of the unique challenges faced by the business

  • and creation of solutions and plans to overcome challenges and provide excellent future support.

Wellness Webinars

Support your employees with wellness webinars on the topics of Parental Burn Out and Strengths-based Working allowing them to gain knowledge, engage with self-reflection and deploy strategies to manage competing demands and be more productive.

  • Parental Burn Out - what is it and how can it be prevented?

  • Strengths-based Working for parents - understanding my strengths and learning how to deploy them.

As a well-established communicator having presented at large corporate events in-person and online Arabella brings academic insight with a fantastic ability to translate this to the real world. Her previous work has included presenting at the Health and Well-being at Work Show, and delivering sessions for the Football Premier League, Dance Mama members, and sports medics, in additional to many academic international conferences.


A one-hour webinar with questions and answer section, providing information, research insights, guidance, advice, and signposting with a supplementary infographic.

Next steps and information

Get in contact by email or book a call to discuss the corporate services you are interested in.

Request the Employer Ascending Motherhood Back-to-Work Mother brochure.

View the Returned to Work Info for Mothers and share with women who have already returned and who may be interested in receiving coaching.

View the General Coaching Summary Overview Leaflet for brief details on all four coaching programmes.

Book a call!

Book a call to discuss the needs of your organisation and create the well-needed support for your employees.

Alternatively, email me at arabella@ascendingmotherhood.com to start the conversation and outline what you want to achieve.

Employer Testimony:

“As there were a number of new mums, either expectant or recently returned from maternity leave, within the organisation, I offered the opportunity for them to undertake coaching through Ascending Motherhood in order to support them in their changing family and job roles.

The coaching was clearly impactful, providing invaluable, independent support which was practical and appreciated. It offers exceptional value for money and means women will have appropriate and meaningful guidance which will help them thrive rather than just survive and re-discover themselves and who they are.

I have no hesitation in recommending Arabella and her programmes; in fact, I already have!”

Emma Sutherland,

Head of People.

Employer Testimony:

“Working with Ascending Motherhood has been really valuable in supporting our staff to navigate the unique challenges of balancing motherhood with their professional role. The impact of Arabella’s coaching sessions has been clear to see - helping to provide alternate perspectives, renew clarity and create a stronger sense of purpose. I would highly recommend Ascending Motherhood to any employer seeking to support new mothers with a smoother and empowering transition back to work.”

Matt Nicholson,

Club & Coach Development Manager.

Employer Testimony:

“We have wanted for some time to make the return to work after maternity leave easier and less stressful. The sessions Arabella ran for one of our staff before and after her return to work were incredibly helpful. The feedback from our returning colleague was extremely positive and her teammates have seen her thrive. We have been so happy with Arabella's coaching that we are making it part of ongoing support for anyone returning from parental leave!”

Adrian Stockman,

Director of Finance and Corporate Services.