Frequently Asked Questions
If I'm interested in receiving some coaching, what do I do next?
Drop me an e-mail via the contact sheet on the website, email me directly using my e-mail address or book a slot straight into my diary from the home page. Explain that you're interested in receiving coaching and we will book in a free 30-minute scoping call. During this call we will discuss my coaching and how things work. This gives you the chance to get to know me and decide if you want to receive coaching from me. Then a week or so later I’ll follow up with you via email to see if you want to proceed. I believe it is important for someone to have time to go away and think about things ahead of making any decisions.
How frequent or far apart should I have sessions?
Having sessions about one month or six weeks apart allows women to build upon the progress they have made from the previous session. However, occasionally women like to have a shorter gap as this allows them to action something and come straight back to discuss it. All four sessions are normally delivered within a six-month period.
How do things work if my employer is paying?
Your employer may have reached out to Ascending Motherhood to provide services for employees or on occasion HR managers/People Managers reach out looking to support an individual. I have a conversation with the employer explaining what I offer and agree confidentiality with them. It may be the case that there is a meeting between the HR manager, myself (Arabella Ashfield), and you (the prospective coachee) or once I have spoken to the HR manager and they have mentioned my services to you, they will introduce me to you via e-mail. At this point I will offer you (the perspective coachee) a scoping call where we will discuss the coaching offer and I will explain confidentiality. About a week later I will check-in with you and from there we can book in the first session. The admin side of things is dealt with between me (Arabella Ashfield) and your HR/People Manager.
Can you give me some detail regarding confidentiality?
Confidentiality between the coach and coachee is fundamental to the coaching relationship. Confidentiality allows people to speak freely and share their thoughts. The only time confidentiality will be broken is if it is felt there is risk of a coachee hurting themself or somebody else at which point this would be broached with the coachee, support will be discussed or appropriate services accessed.
How does confidentiality work with my employer?
Confidentiality between the coach and coachee is fundamental to the coaching relationship. Therefore no content about or from the session is given back to the employer and this is agreed in advance of the sessions with both the employer and the employee. The only update that is provided to an employer is how many sessions have been undertaken.
Can I book in for single sessions or further single sessions after a programme of four?
Yes, you can book in for single sessions - details of this are on the website. Should you like to receive further coaching after a programmer of four, you're welcome to book a further programme of sessions or individually.
Do I support male returners?
Yes I do! It is still the case that women take the majority of parental leave and therefore the greatest demand has been with mothers. I’m delighted that an increasing number of male partners are taking and are able to take more than the statutory two weeks in the UK and they too experience a number of challenges in returning, some of which are different, some are the same. I’ve worked with many senior male leaders and have coached men throughout my career and would be delighted to support fathers returning. I have also supported same-sex couples and those returning after adoption leave.